Friday, November 26, 2010



前天,佩君和我一起到Wisma Merdeka 做老师的笔(在笔上刻字)。价值不菲,几粒字就需要RM 25。之后,在Suria 观赏 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow Part 1。不错啦!期待最新的Narnia。有点不好意思,因为佩君是带着她的亲戚到KK 走走,我这个“陌生人”就这样和他们一起看戏。她的表姐是La Salle的Top Student。真荣幸能见到学姐。哈哈..

昨天,海琳、Karen、CBC、Pawara、Hew Fook和我一起到Suria 看 [Taker]。打劫的画面比较不适合我们,对我们来说不是很好看。戏院也不多人,差一点就把脚跷在前排的椅子。有一部分是其中一个强盗在哭,他老婆死了,算是一个伤感的部分。那时候,我们几个忍尿差不多到了极点。我就冒出了一句话,很好笑的:“哇,看到他留下来的眼泪,就想到我们的小便。”我和Karen爆笑。笑到我忍不到尿,就快点叫海琳和我一起去厕所。看完戏之后,到Big Apple Doughnut 吃donut,我们吃到很恶心。最可怜的还是Pawara,他帮我们剪donut,弄脏了整只手。之后,我和廖海琳一家人还有Ah Mg吃Bak Kut Teh。再次以一个外人的身份参与我朋友的家人聚会,paiseh。哈哈..

今天,一共有16 个人出席叶惠琳老师的欢送会,地点是City Mall 的交叉点。很欢乐的聚会,当中老师们也分享了他们的辛酸史,不过也没关系,我们的聚餐还是给老师们带来了欢笑。我还上台献歌,真是献丑,不断地忘词,希望老师不会介意。^^ 每个人都很开心,因为见到了一些很久没见面的朋友。付完钱之后,我们几个到Ground Floor 走走,看到有床褥的展览,就坐在人家的床褥聊天,休息。没有意思要买的我们好像也没有不好意思。原来有朋友在一起,胆子也会变大。


-My teacher always does her very best!!-

全体照/全家福 ^^

Show Time!!!

叶老师,谢谢您的教育之情。我们永远记得您。愿上帝赐福予您及家人,身体健康,平安喜乐!您的大恩大德,我们没齿难忘。哈哈! =)

Monday, November 15, 2010

New try -1st-

Sorry that I have to mix up few events into 1. Events are typed according to the time.
(p/s: actually I have to type from 6th of Nov although my latest post was 7th of Nov. haha)

06 Nov
Had church as usually. Thanks Lord that everything is going smoothly. After service at night, we went to ‘Kopi Ping’ for our supper. 1st time I have a ‘friend’ talk with church members. What I mean was we had pleasant talk with each other. About ambition...... Some funny questions were asked by Jason. He really a person who pro in nesting information.

07 Nov
From my latest post, this day I have my 1st time experience in jogging and climbing at Bukit Padang. Nice experience.

08 Nov
Titus Thien’s farewell was held in my house. Everything is so meaningful. For the surprises, video that made by Nelson T. 1st time I played “Mafia” officially. Lol, we sang old song, Christmas song. Cool~ I have learnt Part 1 of Romance!!!

12 Nov
After Praise and Worship practise time, a present is given by Titus to me and my sister as a thanksgiving for our house opening. This is a present is a energized present. Because there’s a pair of couple fish inside the glass container. Haha, we named it “wen wen” and “hui hui”. Undoubted, “wen wen” is the name for the male fish. Nevermind, it is proud to have the name that same with mine. Haha. Waa, so excited, because this is 1st time I have pet that owned by me!!

can you see them?

Looking it well. (photo taken by my sis)

13 Nov
I went to “Fu Yuan” that located at Gaya Street. 1st time too. Well, that restaurant is so high tech and they are inspired by the Bank. You know, when we go to bank, we need to press the machine to get the number instead of que up. This “Fu Yuan” is using the same concept during the deliverance of beverage. *Ding Dong,Ding Dong…* Everyone is looking at the number that shown in the screen. Quite annoying actually.

15 Nov
Today I wake up lately. Almost ‘lewat’. In the assembly, there’s a section about Pn.Neermala, a teacher in La Salle school. She passed away on Sunday. I was quite shocked when I received her news, because I thought she went back to school after full recover. No, I heard that she still going back to school although she hasn’t recover from the cancer and she knows about her situation too. A resposible teacher, loving teacher, a true La Sallian.

~We are lucky because there’s a lot of new experience that waiting for us. No matter it is good or bad, happy or sad. Just like a game, you have to store up your Exp. value to up level. If you died, your Exp. value will decrease. However, we still trying our best to chiong or chase up other opponent. The more the exp you have, the more pro you are. It can put in practise in our life too. And, with God, nothing is impossible!

Yes!! Christmas is coming soon. Christmas song give us peacefulness and calmness. Let us prepare for this joyful season. ^^


Sunday, November 7, 2010


第一次到 KK 出名的 Bukit Padang 爬山和 jogging..

‘如果我是一粒球...’ ‘如果我是kangaroo...’ ‘如果我是刺猬...’

为基督,我赢得城市………… 这是在山顶时看到KK的城市样貌想到的歌词


Friday, November 5, 2010

Super 好笑的一天

今天他们来了我家:WKS, Roger, Brian, Hew。

炒菜的过程超级好笑,我们都知道不能把要放进锅子的东西从高处丢下,但“铭”却把蒜米从高处丢进热锅中,里面还有油的,一阵声响:pusssss 传了出来。笑到在旁边的我们差一点跌地。


饭后甜点是水蓊,roger 准备的。到现在都还不知道到底是不是他家种的水蓊树。哈哈。

最后,我们到 City Mall 吃 donut。很好笑hor, 我们竟然跑到 City Mall。


Hew: 祝福你,前程似锦。Jesus Loves You!!!!!


Though i write this on 5th of November, but the event all happened yesterday.
( Today = yesterday!)

Ok, today I am very busy, from the morning until late night.

After I finished school, i drove myself to City Mall to celebrate Pei Jun's early birthday at "Cross Point". We ate many, the waiters are 'unlucky' to meet the customers like us: Mei Yong, Karen, Zhen Ning, Pei Jun, me and RAMONA!!!!... Because we are so messy, got cake on the tables, and we sat for a long time. Haha.
I am happy because i met them all espeacially Ramona. She asked, " you still got play badminton?" Ya lo, Ramona is my badminton sensei in Lok Yuk. I learnt many from her. She is pro, pro in academic and Golf. Gambateh!
Pei Jun is the youngest among us, however, her look is most mature. Haha. Finally she join 18 gang. Welcome you.

At night, I had Prefect Dinner at Bundusan Place. All is beautiful and handsome. Not bad. And i learnt something.
I have 2 classmates who belongs to a pair of twins, the big bro is prefect. He used La Salle school fullscape to wrap his present for ''gift exchange" section. His present is numbered as 44. No one willing to get number 44. Ok, you know what is that? That was a crystal ball with a snowman inside. Quite good. Huh, this is "not to judge the book by its cover".

Today is finish~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finally free

1st, I want to thank God for giving me wisdom to went through this exam. ^^
Really thank God because i'm not very 'pok' this time. Somehow, i got the result that sounds not bad. Ranking in class lagi tu. Hehe.

I'm finally free. Now we all are waiting for the holiday. Waiting for our friends to come back. Haha.

Ohhh, I forgot what i want to say. >.< Too many, then it becomes zero, Sorry. Hehe.

Anyway, I was thinking about the sky and the trees within these few days while driving my car.
Our Lord really a great designer and Creator.

You know, if the trees besides the road are deep red colour instead of natural green colour, oh, it can't suit with our blue blue sky. Or, our sky wasn't blue anymore, how horrible is it!!

I was amazed for our God's sense of art. He is Great!! ^^