Friday, February 25, 2011

Birthday .生日.

Everyone has 24 hours in a day. (lame introduction,haha..)
But 24 hours really not enough for me on my birthday due to the reasons below:
- the longer the time, the more wishes I can get. (guess nia)
- the longer the time, the longer I can stay as 19 years old but not 19 years and 1 day old.
- the longer the time, the possibility that I can get a present is higher. haha..

It's OK. Though it's short but meaningful. ^^
I replied all people that have wished me. I was shocked. Coz I wont reply these wishes during last time.

I wondered, why we need to celebrate our birthday?
Except to remember our mother, maybe there's also the chance for us to say Thank You.
To everyone who loves you, cares about you.
I might replied "Thank you" for about 100+ times on my birthday. I think I never say so much thank you in my life time. haha..

However, the present is less. haha.. You all know de la, I'm the person who likes present very much, no matter what kind of present is it. haha..

Anyway, still wanna say 'Thank You'.

19岁,最后一个1开头的岁数。Joanna还要叫我享受last teen year。难道明年我就不是teen了吗?
‘ngo jit sao mg dou lo’.. uiseh,开玩笑的。



Really Thank to God, He lets me know all of you, my besties.. =)
I felt warm when I receive the wish from you all eventhough it's just a simple sentence.

期待20的到来。2012年02月20 日,20 岁。特别kan? 可能有party!!! haha..


Friday, February 18, 2011


-Just after 2 weeks from my last post-

  • Today is birthday of my best friend in primary school. Happy Birthday, Jia Jia! ^^

  • I enjoyed this Chinese New Year. Because I met you all, the one who I really appreciate~ haha, not one, is many many many...........

  • Recently watched Dream High, a Korean Drama which talking about the dream of a group of teen. 3 in 1, acting skill, dancing skill and singing skill. Awesome~ Especially the female main character, who is Suzy from miss-A, aged 17 years old ONLY. Like a quote inside, "自己有了梦想,才知道世上没有可笑的梦想"..

  • A bit of confusion. Some simple questions. Without any answer. haha..

Reminder, this coming Sunday , 20 Feb is my Birthday. Pls inform your friend.. hahahahahahaha.. =)
Have a blessed day.. God bless ^^

Friday, February 4, 2011



各位,没想到我们有好一段日子没见,竟然能从下午2点,谈话,唱歌再谈话到晚上10点。我觉得,到明天早上也不是问题,哈哈。只是,佩雯和振宁错过了唱K,别误会,我们在文瑜家唱。对lo,她的家有Kara O K room..

真的真的真的很高兴能有今天。一直到我写这篇文章,嘴角依然是扬起的 =)
(哈哈,=) 这个emoticon 用在对的地方了!)我们的友谊是那么的稳固!

以下是对各位的谢词 ^^


Chang Ung Yee:哈哈,还是比较习惯叫你的国语名。Oi,你知道的la,要跟你讲的,是很多的。不过,依然谢谢你,谢谢你让我有机会与很liang moi的人做好朋友,uiseh,不要在那边SS。谢谢你对我的信任,告诉我你的故事。谢谢你给我的反应,因为你很真,很直接,我喜欢!!


不然,我不懂我是什么人。哈哈!谢谢你送我的hair band..=)

佩雯:Ah!!!!!!! 看到佩雯,惊叫必备!哈哈。太厉害了,你是我们的骄傲!虽然你在我们当中最小,可是我觉得你最fashion..也具备最佳辩论员的特质。谢谢,谢谢你,用你的经验教导我,嘻嘻,“教导”这词并不为过哦,还有让我体验到辩论的刺激。总之,我喜欢你!

大家可以感动!! 哈哈。我真的很开心与大家有美好的时光,一段值得回味的回忆。不是一段,是很多段。希望大家前程似锦,找到好归宿。(er,这是慧琪刚才下我车,祝福我的一句话,=.=)
