Now, middle of March.
Holiday starts. Manage to do Chemistry exersice, and wash my pencil case and prepare some piano sheets for background music uses at school. haha.
MUET exam is around the corner, dear God, please give me wisdom and help me to prepare my English. ^^
Haha, Thank God too for my result. I will keep it up.
A very big thank you to Hai Ling, Pei Jun and TMC for comforting me.
Thank to God that I knew you all, and became my besties.
8.9 Earthquake and tsunami happened in Japan on 11.03.2011.
It maybe a normal day for us, but it was a significant day to the people in Japan.
(Don't know Naruto got influence by it or not..)
I know, Jesus is coming soon. But, there still a lot of unsaved souls.
[The parallel to our life on earth is profound. It really doesn't make any difference how the world ranks your status. The only thing that ultimately matters is whether you are saved or lost. As Jesus said,"What profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?" (Matt.16:26).
Perhaps you've already trusted in Christ for your salvation. But what about your fellow passengers? Instead of sizing them up by the externals, talk to them about their ultimate destination.]
Adapted from Daily Bread-24 Feb 2011
Have a blessed day~!
From your lovely ME.. =)