Monday, January 30, 2012



大概1点多,教会朋友来我们家拜年,来我们家玩 Killer...
Michelle, Joanne 家 - 看了 Thinker Bell and Peter Pan...
铭杰家 - Aunty特地炸了芽菇,谢谢。厕所时间。paiseh.....

爸爸回去 Lahad Datu 做工了。
一凌载着 Pastor 碧萍来我们家,Melvin 也有来,
然后一起去 Jacky Gor Gor 家 - wow, 有很多liang moi.. hehe..
Uncle Alan 家 - 高级公寓,吃粥,好吃,边看 “马来西亚华裔小姐”。
晚上,看 “Ah Beng 心想事成”。个人意见:内容普通,“天天好天” 较好看。

Driver 天,载着我妹妹,Sok Jun, Crystal, Teo Tiong Ying 去了她们朋友家拜年。也很开心。
Teo Tiong Ying 家 - 看Astro On Demand, 吃好吃的面。
Pn. Pang Kee Ean 家 - 老师还是很漂亮,儿子可爱。
婷、妍家 - 拍照,可爱的女生们。
Adeline 家 - “动物园”, 有西施狗、鹦鹉、八哥。
Adeline 姑姑的朋友家 - Open House。新屋主迁新居,旧屋主是我弟弟以前的朋友。遇到小学同学-Derek Yong。
Lee Yen 家 - Chou Dai Di. 下着雨。

TMC 家 - 和 Mei Yong, Hai Ling 聊天到很开心。之后,与TMC家人共进晚餐,谢谢Aunty~
Hai Ling 家 - 继续聊天。hahahahahahaha....

年初四朋友相聚的日子 Part I。

凯文家 - 特地和TMC一起去探望他们。=)
Mei Yong 家 - Open House. 愿上帝祝福你们。加油 Mei Yong~!!
CKS 家 - Game Time! I am the 4th among the "pro". hahahaha..
Roger 家 - Cute Kaeden and Mirile. They are really cute. Kaeden has the potential to become DJ, pro to sing, talk and dance. They speak English, so do I type English. hahaha.. 见到佩雯,依然美丽。Mandy姐姐很可爱。与他们家人共进晚餐。(again, so paiseh.. hehe.. >.<)
Pn.Ong 家 - Game Time (Wii) ! 老师的儿子和女儿都很直率。=) 我喜欢。Pn.Ong 也真的很可爱。

朋友相聚的日子 Part II

CBC 家 - 永远不会让我们失望的地方。就是喜欢他的家,不管在哪里。Lol,讲到很奇怪jiang =.= 。 在电视房看“时尚玩家”。Aunty 的手艺相当好。 
杨海楷家 - 号码14的垃圾桶,我们不会忘记你,虽然你不是杨海楷的垃圾桶。hahahaha.. 不好意思的叫杨海楷准备午餐,但还是吃了。我吃的分量多过他们全部!见到了Mr.Yang De Peng.. hehe..
Chang Ung Yee 家 - Before 去CUY 家,展开了一场车的比赛。过程惊险又爆笑。唱K,我们的声音依旧动听,对不对?Hai ling, YHK, CUY, Yuh Yun~

晚上本来有Eva的生日Party,但因为时间撞到崇拜练习,所以没去。对不起~ ^^





Thursday, January 19, 2012


Feel so happy to met with my fellow friends: Ung Yee, Pawara and Yuh Yun within this week.

To Pawara:
haha, All the best. hmm, can give me auntie's number again? I just remember 8883. hahaha..
I will send you my home address. =)

Wow, the time with Ung Yee really enjoy. We shared many things. I am glad.

To Ung Yee:
Thank you for the trust. And, don't know why, it wont be "gang ga" when we shared the things. Really, you are proud (you know why). haha.

God bless all of us! ^_^

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thinking of 20~


1. If there's joyful in your heart, please inform your face.
2. 要成为一个好的带领者,必须先成为一个好的跟随者。
3. This is our honor to serve the Almighty Lord!

农历新年年初一,早上8点“新年崇拜”,将担任司琴,一系列的音乐,woo~~ 刺激!!!
May God bless everything. =)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

09 Jan 2012

I parked outside the Maybank, went to Hong Leong Bank, after that, Bank Simpanan Nasional.

Today I have my “bank” trip. To pay my car and dad’s car loan.
Bought UPU Pin at BSN after that.
I checked the list of courses that offer by different local Uni, hmmm, I wrote down what I want. Most of the choices are Sains (Kimia). But, I don’t know the difference between “Sarjana Muda” and “Ijazah Sarjana Muda” and “Bacelor”.

I haven’t apply for any. Waiting. God, please give me wisdom that I can make a right choice. =)





Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3rd of Jan

3 days has passed. I guess this is the 1st post in the year of 2012. Nothing special to share about.
After this, I will use Chinese as well to write the blog frequently since it expresses more accurate what I want to say. haha.

I will start my tuition class soon. Woo~ it seems so excited as I don't know whether I have prepare well or not and I don't have much experience. God, please guide me. =)

This year will be the year of revival, everything will be different, to the way of better or even the best.

Thank God that I have enjoyed my past 20 years.
Well, I think I will find a time to set my goal this year. haha. hope it wont be too late.

Okay, that's all. Bye and bye. ^^

God is the source of all wisdom.