Sunday, September 26, 2010

health article

Q: Please explain why during moments of fear or insecurity I feel something in the "pit of my stomach."

A: Your stomach is in the central area of your body. And every organ in this area is affected each time you are unable to fulfill a wish that is very important to you. The mildest form is "butterflies in your stomach." If the agitation or stress continues, it may lead to ulcer. (ulcer?!) Stomach acidity happens each time the brain is overloaded with fear, panic, etc. Balance your body chemistry and reduce acid in your stomach by understanding the real cause of your fear. Have faith. Affirm :" I can and I will." Above all, stop worrying!

By Cory Quirino
Philippine Daily Inquirer

I read this and this is interesting. Why we use "butterflies in your stomach" as an expression when we are nervous. Finally this is the reason.

Pray, when you are nervous, afraid of something!

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