Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today is the third last day with repeated digits of year, month and day. 3 more and no more in our lives. *except we can live until that long (10.10.3010) xD *

I did something meaningful today. We went to Tanjung Aru 1st Beach for an activity. We picked up the rubbish, drifted wood, plastic and bottles. Teacher told us last week that this activity is joined by many school. But, we just saw only 2-3 school/college participated it today.

We, as a LaSallian, wore in Maroon colour shirt, occupied about 75% of participant. I think, if there was a fight, we sure WIN. Xp
Besides, we played there and have a lot of fun. Even I have ‘killed’ some small crab. I think they pretend to die. Really.

After that, Pn.Goh spent us to drink Coconut. Appreciate it because she used her money for 20 biji coconut. ^^

My testimonial towards today: we cannot let this kind of meaningful activity happened once in a year or once in a month. Everyone has to make it everyday. Think the way to prevent it, not to throw our rubbish everywhere. On the other hand, our beach will turn to rubbish beach. It just a huge ‘bin’ for rubbish.

Ps: Joyce took many pictures. View my Facebook profile to view the photos. =)

Aiya, if I were 20+ and found my partner that decided by God for me, I want my wedding to be held today. Or 11.11.2011 or 12.12.2012. But, I’m still young. Haha.


  1. u are 20 at 2012, hope u meet him in these 2 years. and remember our promise worh~ hahaha

  2. i sure remember!! aiyo, 20 still young.. haha..
