Thursday, October 7, 2010

Funny week!

This week is a funny week. Since I laughed till ‘sot’. You know what topic we discussed about? It is about toilet. Poo, pee all came out. And, I found that the ways that ‘da bian’ in school’s toilet between boy and girl are different. So funny. Besides, a lot of funny things happened. I ‘da bian’ in school yesterday and today. I brought a roll of tissue to school. They laughed at me. Quite funny I think. Anyway, I made amusement for them. =)

However, today was my 1st MUET speaking test. I feel like we are not having a test because we had a common conversation, quite relax. I think I have done a nice job though it’s still got improvement for me. Our Badan Form 6 watched “Up” in Lower 6 Arts class room. It was a cute movie. The characters are very cute. Really.

I went back to Lok Yuk to fetch my brother and sister. I was standing at the corridor in front of teachers staff room. Saw the bulletin board, feel the air. Haha, this is the school I have ever been here for 5 years. Wow!

> I met Pengetua, he cant recognised me, I think he didn’t know me too.
> I met Cikgu Lee Sek Kien, she’s quite surprised when saw me.
> I saw son of Pn. Vasugi, oh man, he’s very tall now. He has already grew up, and yet, I’m getting older.

Oh, my Pengajian Am teacher gave me a name: Jacqueline. She called me that since she's not familiar to my name, CJV. Jacqueline Chong. Haha. Some pronounced as Jac-Q-line. Not bad too.

*Pn.Chai, my feeling towards Physics is coming back after the chapter of Gravitation. ^^ *


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. typical you. da bian in school

  3. wei,jun. i know you biasa sudah with me already. haha.
