Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thank you

I promised to help Joanna and Pawara for a short film. Friday is the day.
We went to a house, owned by Pawara. The theme was a cafe with Birthday decoration.
Knew some lok yukians, form 4: Winnee, Jacky Lu, Nicole and Tan Yen Ling and another 18 years old boy, Alden.

Look at our pics, i guarantee you will laugh, because the hair (wig). Mine was long, curly purple hair, it's hard to comb though. We had a funny and nice time. Keep laugh.

And, this is my 1st experience to involve in English drama. The previous drama that i joined was "国王的新衣". That was a Chinese drama. Since my English is not proper, Alden said my slang got Thai's slang. Well, i don't like Thai, prefer Phillipine. Haha.. Anyway, i found myself got potential to become an actress. Haha..

Joanna is going back to Melaka. Maybe she is on the plane now, at this moment.
A big thank you to Jojo. You are a wonderful girl. Hehe..
Pawara also a wonderful boy.
I am a wonderful2 girl. Because i am your friend.
~Joanna, God bless you~

i am lazy to do Physics now. Sorry, teacher. T.T

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